Revealing the Pattern

How habit conceals choice
As you move through your life, do you respond to your circumstances more through habit or choice? Join us for an exploration of habitual patterns and the wisdom – and freedom – that they may reveal.

Event Details

Date: Tuesday, March 21st, 2017
Time: 6:30 PM- 9:00 PM
Notes: Please RSVP. As this is a short experiential workshop, please arrive by 6:25pm

How often during the course of a day do we find ourselves in a situation in which our capacity to choose a response seems to vanish? Instead, we lose touch with our true self and an automatic reaction emerges: a familiar old pattern that simply takes over without our consent. Big or small, these moments of losing connection with our selves have a cost to our own aliveness, and to our relationships.

This Evening of Exploration asks: How do we explore habitual patterns of behavior that arise under stress? Can we have compassion for these old patterns, while choosing new and more enlivened ways to respond?

Join us for an evening exploration of the ‘love of learning.’ We will introduce you to the Academy’s learning model, and some of the methods and theory central to our work. Through interactive dialogue we’ll discover how learning can lead not merely to the accumulation of knowledge and skill, but also to personal transformation and the expression of our innate gifts and unique qualities.


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To learn more about Revealing the Pattern use the form below to contact The Academy.
