Leading By Being ®
Since October of 2014 the Academy has been in a deep conversation with the community about next steps for the program. Part of that conversation has lead to what we call our Foundation Series Level I. Laying the ground for our work, the Foundation Series looks at at how we can experience learning as a lifelong practice – connecting us with aliveness and the potential for transformation. We explore who we are as learners, and as guides/leaders for others.
The Foundation Series Level I presents the first module (Who Am I?) of Leading by Being as day-long workshops.
Through Leading by Being, participants are invited to move through two modules:
(1) Who Am I?, a deep comprehensive look at their selves from multiple perspectives; and
(2) Who Are We?, an exploration of where the I meets the We, focused on collaborative learning and group transformation.
A final Integration Intensive brings together all the strands of learning from the program and asks: given our deepening understanding of our own unique ‘flavor’ of expression, What Is Truly Mine to Do?
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