EOL Welcomes a New Cohort
As El Otro Lado embarks on its 10th year, we are delighted to be piloting our new El Otro Lado Schools & Community training program. El Otro Lado brings comprehensive, arts-rich experiences to classrooms, communities, and organizations. The program hosts workshops and trainings throughout the year for the current cohort co-facilitation teams of teachers, community volunteers, artists, and counselors. During these gatherings, facilitators are guided into reflective explorations of the Academy for the Love of Learning’s practices and learning model and discover innovative ways to use the EOL curriculum to engage in a collective creative process with communities; exploring their connection to land, culture, sense of home and belonging, their own unique story, and the stories that connect us.
We are delighted to announce our new 2018/2019 Cohort Members:
Aspen Community School:
Stephanie Walther & Socorro Maldonado
Atalaya Elementary School:
Josh Norris & Sarah Stout
Gonzales Community School:
Christina Meyer-Dzurec & Jeanette Alt-Romero
El Otro Lado Intern:
Christine Jawski
Christine Jawski, EOL Intern and Graduate Student in International Education at the School for International Training, shares her experience of the two-day EOL kick-off workshop.
“It seems the simplest of truths are, at times, the most difficult to remember.
What a simple act it is to sit in circle with others, with the intention of listening and sharing, and yet how very profound. There is a vulnerability and humility in meeting in both story and silence.
The initial El Otro Lado training was incredibly inspiring as it brought together educators in school and community programs who are committed to writing a new story of connection and learning. In a world where we are increasingly overwhelmed by technology and “hurry”, it is a chance to pause and go deeper.
As I sat in circle with the cohort, I felt a sense of ease and hope; in fact, I would say I felt at home in this circle of once-strangers, and an eagerness for the journey ahead.”
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