Coming Full Circle Training – Part II
Event Details
Coming Full Circle™
Our human experience is marked by impermanence and transition. Our lives are in continuous reception, disorganization, and adjustment due to the passing away of forms, situations, phases, and relationships. Most assuredly, death of the body WILL COME, for ourselves and those we love, and can come at ANY TIME.
Rather than turning away in our cultural trance that denies death, we have the opportunity to face into the potential of this great initiation. Making friends and becoming skillful with the domain of death’s requirements, we open to fundamental questions of “who am I?”, leading to our honesty of inquiry.
As we embrace the necessary Surrender to this Supreme Mystery, we are further initiated into another evolutionary cycle within our soul’s journey. We are called to heal, to make another life review, and are therefore readied and supported to receive the exquisite gift of Grace that is transmitting our unique gift to serve each other and our World.
Now, particularly, in this phase of our Earth Walk, we bear witness to the rampant and potential demise of nurturing and sustaining systems that have been our constant companion to the inter-connecting blessing of Life as we have known it. We have the opportunity to make contact with these events, find the mirror of our soul’s passage (both personally and collectively), and serve within the motivation of our Heart’s longing.
This training is for anyone who feels a personal and/or professional inspiration to journey into the simple truth and extraordinary power of death and the dying process. It is an opportunity to re-vision and remember our place in the web of life and to celebrate the interconnectedness of all being.
During the training we will enter into experiential process to:
- Examine our personal beliefs regarding death and dying in the context of our own cultural and spiritual heritage. What do we truly fell about death?
- Investigate death and dying form the perspectives of Eastern and Western psychology and philosophy. We will explore contemplative practices.
- Explore the process of Grief as a primary means of in-depth transformation (both personally and for our World).
- Explore the use of music, art, and Dream Time as creative invitations to enter Death’s mystery.
In addition, over the course of the training we will:
- Develop skillfulness in being with others during the transition of dying.
- Discuss alternative possibilities to assist the body after death and to develop pertinent rituals to honor these passages.
- Look directly to Nature for inspirations, solace, and guidance in the life-death cycle.
- Investigate what lives in this energy of death that supports the fulfillment of our soul’s intent and the manifestation of our life’s dreams and brilliant offering unto our World.
Sanchi Reta Lawler is fully ordained in the Zen Buddhist lineage, and offers contemplative retreats. A teacher and practitioner of transpersonal psychotherapy for thirty years, she also serves as a companion and guide to friends who are facing challenging illness or impending death. She incorporates her study and practice of Peruvian Shamanism in the Upper Amazon and High Andes in her teaching and healing offerings. Reta has been a friend and faculty member of the Academy since its inception.
Please call (505) 989-1860 for more information or email
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