Embodied Wisdom: Heart of Action Series

Event Details

Date: Saturday, June 30th, 2012
Time: 9:30 AM- 2:30 AM
Notes: 105

Early Bird: $90 by 6/15  •  $105 after 6/15 (Partial scholarships on space available basis.)

Facilitator: Marianne Murray

For more information contact: Marissa Roybal



As you show up in your professional — and personal — life…

Do you sometimes feel as if your heart and your mind are at odds?

Or find yourself thinking in circles when faced with difficult decisions?

Or do you dismiss your creative impulses when they don’t seem logical?

What happens if you consider the intelligence of the body and attend to the richly mysterious inner language of feelings and sensations, emotions and impulses? What might you have been missing? What aspect of yourself has been without a voice?

Join us for a day of exploration and reflection about the wisdom of the body-mind. This highly experiential workshop provides an opportunity to slow down and listen to a way of knowing that does not have much of a place in contemporary Western life – especially in the workplace. Becoming attuned to the language of the body can bring enormous insight into who we are, our impulses, and how we respond to the world. This introduction invites the beginning of an evolving and creative inner conversation.

During the course of the workshop, you will:

  • Explore ways of knowing that are often taken for granted – sensing, feeling, intuition, impulse, etc.
  • Consider a variety of frameworks through which to understand personal action.
  • Differentiate between action and reaction.
  • Identify some of the patterns that influence and shape your life.
  • Learn to recognize inner alignment in relation to action, or non-action.
  • Attune to your ‘inner knowing’ as a source of guidance.
  • Identify a practice to support your expression of embodied wisdom.

The Heart of Action workshops are participatory and invite the unexpected. The Academy’s transformative learning model, which is the ‘backbone’ of all our community workshops, includes experiential processes, small and large group discussion, art and movement, as well as time for reflection and journaling.



Request more information

To learn more about Embodied Wisdom: Heart of Action Series use the form below to contact The Academy.
