The Hidden Gift in Disorientation

Disruption as a catalyst for insight
When familiar ways of being are disrupted, unexpectedly we may receive life-changing insights. This Evening of Exploration explores disorientation as an opportunity for transformation.

Event Details

Date: Thursday, October 22nd, 2015
Time: 6:30 PM- 9:00 PM

When life seems to be falling apart, when our familiar ways of being are disrupted and we are thrust into turmoil, often – surprisingly – we may receive our most life changing insights. In retrospect, we discover that times of greatest instability have called forth in us wisdom, creativity and strength that we never knew we possessed.

This Evening of Exploration asks: How do we befriend disorientation as an opportunity for learning and transformation? What can we learn about ourselves as we navigate those chaotic moments?

Join us for an evening of exploration of the ‘love of learning.’ We will introduce you to the Academy’s learning model, and some of the methods and theory central to our work. Through interactive dialogue we’ll discover how learning can lead not merely to the accumulation of knowledge and skill, but also to personal transformation and the expression of our innate gifts and unique qualities.

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