Holotropic Breathwork™ Retreat

The Spirit of Exploration
Holotropic Breathwork™ offers a way to experience one’s self through perspectives that are uncommon in our everyday awareness. It invites discovery and exploration of our internal territory—unfamiliar aspects and parts of our selves —in a way that is new, fresh and inviting of new insight, awareness and possibility.

Event Details

Date: April 5th - April 8th, 2018
Time: Multi-day Event
Location: Academy Campus in Seton Village
Notes: $200 Deposit Required (See event details below for pricing info)
Thursday the 5th April | 9:30am - 8:30 pm
Day of arrival: Includes one breathwork session in the afternoon
Friday the 6th April | 9:00am - 8:00 pm
Includes one breathwork session in the morning.
Saturday the 7th April | 9:00am - 9:00 pm
Includes two breathwork sessions throughout the day.
Sunday the 8th April | 9:00am - 1:00 pm
Program ends

This spirit of exploration and self-discovery is at the core of the Academy’s mission: Learning as a practice for awakening. As we ‘wake up,’ our view of life is transformed and we no longer see ourselves or our world in quite the same way. Holotropic Breathwork™ is a method that can evoke this sort of transformative experience

Stan-GrofStan Grof, the creator of Holotropic Breathwork™, calls it a “Technology of the Sacred.” When we do this work at the Academy, we contextualize it as experiential learning: there is something that we are each in a process of learning that lives uniquely within ourselves. The experience of the breathwork session is a way to open fully to what is within ourselves that is ready to be explored, whether it is something that needs to be known and healed, or a deep insight, or a feeling to be expressed. We place a strong emphasis on the integration process that follows the breathwork session, supporting participants to recognize what is being learned, and how the learning is happening – what capacity is growing – as well as ways to foster the ongoing learning and integration following the workshop.

Listen to Marianne Murray’s brief explanation:

What is Holotropic Breathwork? (1 min)

Listen to the entire interview:

What is Holotropic Breathwork? (full) (20 min)

You can also listen to both Marianne’s and Jay Dufrechou’s interview with Alan Hutner on Transitions Radio Magazine.


The schedule below is approximate – depending on the group size the beginning and end times of each day may shift slightly.
Each participant will have the opportunity to “breathe” twice over the course of the 4-day retreat.

Thursday, April 5, day of arrival:
Registration 9:30am-10:00am, Opening Circle 10:00am
Thursday will include one breathwork session in the afternoon
The day will end between 7:30-8:30 pm

Friday, April 6
The schedule will be a full day approximately 9:00am-8:00pm and will include one breathwork session in the morning

Saturday, April 7
The schedule will be a full day approximately 9:00am-9:00pm and will include two breathwork sessions throughout the day.

Sunday, April 8
Program ends by 1:00pm


Total cost $595 (includes program, 3 breakfasts/3 lunches/3 dinners)

Retreat + Lodging (Space is limited):
Total cost $750 (includes program, 3 breakfasts/3 lunches/3 dinners
and three nights double occupancy)

A $200 deposit is required to register.
Please note: If you must cancel, your deposit is refundable ONLY if we are
able to fill your place with another registrant.
The remainder of the total amount will be DUE on the first day of the retreat.

Please complete the application/health history form and send it to Patty Nagle.
Due to the nature of the work space is limited.


Academy Campus in Seton Village
Seton Village Rd, Santa Fe, NM, USA

Request more information

To learn more about Holotropic Breathwork™ Retreat use the form below to contact The Academy.
