Open Call: Waging Peace Space

Join us as a Waging Peace Space conversation partner to reflect and connect!
Have you created new ways of seeing, relating, and being in the world? Do you want to connect with like minds and imagine new patterns for individual and collective living and well-being?

Event Details

Date: March 8th - April 29th, 2024
Time: Multi-day Event
Location: Zoom
Notes: Apply to become a Waging Peace Space conversation partner by clicking on the Waging Peace Space Application button. You will be asked to respond to six survey questions.

Wanted: Humans in search of a new pattern.

Open Call

Do you have a story to share about becoming the change you wish to create in the world? Are you curious about how unlearning can help us become better at being individuals, community members, and enactors of collective change?

Share your stories and reflections with us in a 60-minute online conversation. We will be hosting up to 12 of these conversations between now and April 29, 2024. We know well how much work and intention sit behind these stories, so we will provide participants with a $100 honorarium, in the form of a gift card.*

*For legal reasons, gift cards are not available for minors or residents of certain countries.


What is the Waging Peace Space?

Waging Peace is the process of becoming better at being a human, individual, and community member through unlearning patterns and evolving forward. For over 30 years, the Academy’s workshops, programs and fellowships have been clearing the way for peace wagers to become the change they wish to create in the world. The Waging Peace Space weaves our practices and body of work with our new vision and strategy: reimagining how and where learning happens and co-creating a network of new learning spaces.

Why should I participate?

As the Academy continues to live into its new vision of reimagining how and where learning happens, we seek to learn from like minds. By joining the Waging Peace Space conversations, you will help the Academy imagine and shape an emerging learning space. Some participants may be invited to apply to an upcoming Learning Awards opportunity.

How do I apply?

Apply to become a Waging Peace Space conversation partner by clicking on the Waging Peace Space Application button. You will be asked to respond to six survey questions.


When should I apply?

Applications will be open from March 8, 2024 to April 29, 2024.

Questions: Email to learn more!



Request more information

To learn more about Open Call: Waging Peace Space use the form below to contact The Academy.
