Why Slowing Down Matters

Finding Satisfaction in the Here and Now
This Evening of Exploration asks: "What can we learn about ourselves if we stop and taste the moment?"

Event Details

Date: Thursday, June 28th, 2012
Time: 6:30 PM- 9:00 PM

In this Evening of Exploration we will explore how we can benefit from slowing down. So much competes for our attention these days that it’s easy to skate on the surface, going from one thing to another to another. We miss out on the richness in everyday life.

Join us for an Evening of Exploration into what lives behind the Love of Learning. We will introduce you to the Academy’s learning model, and some of the methods central to our work. Through an interactive dialogue we’ll explore how learning can lead not merely to the accumulation of facts or even knowledge, but perhaps more, to personal transformation and the expression of our innate gifts, longings and individual natures.

We will ask: “What can we learn about ourselves if we stop and taste the moment?”

For the benefit of all of our children and future generations, come learn with us…



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