Explore our new research framework The Poetry of Learning

Academy Founder and President Aaron Stern invites you to read our new publication The Poetry of Learning, a research framework created in partnership with the Center for Healthy Minds, exploring the connection between transformational learning and wellbeing.

Dear Friends,

It is my great joy to share with you The Poetry of Learning, a research framework based on our work, created in partnership with our dear friends at the Center for Healthy Minds at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

For me, this is something deeply personal, fulfilling a long-held dream. I’ve always felt and known, as have so many of our participants over the years, that our work in transformative learning contributes directly to the experience of wellbeing, happiness and fulfillment – in other words, true sanity! Whether as individuals, groups of people or, eventually, the systems of which we are part.

Now, with this research framework, it begins to become possible to study and verify, in very particular ways, how and whether this indeed does happen! Through our unique partnership – between our deep experience-centered work and science – the Academy and the Center for Healthy Minds are forging new territory. As you will read – we both stretched to create this research framework. We are now offering it into community, to catalyze, inform and support others interested in this powerful connection between wellbeing and learning that transforms.

We sincerely welcome your interest, thoughts and ideas about what you read in The Poetry of Learning – please reach out!

Warm best wishes from all of us at the Academy for the Love of Learning,

Aaron Stern
Founder and President
Academy for the Love of Learning


Read The Poetry of Learning
