Living Story Collaborative
Informed by the Academy’s learning model and depth facilitation practices, the Collaborative is mapping how story works, helping individuals and groups tell their stories using a variety of mediums, and supporting the development of creative engagement facilitators among regional artists and Academy staff members.
Creative engagement challenges transactional ways of being and supports individuals and communities to find and express their unique voices, needs, vision and agency.
The Living Story Collaborative creates inclusive, participatory spaces where individuals and communities explore, practice, and develop forms for unearthing the stories we live by.
In diverse settings, we remember stories conducive to life, let go of those stories that are not, and learn how to make new ones together that are consonant with health and wellbeing for ourselves, our communities, and the planet.
The Collaborative is also helping to develop a statewide Creative Facilitation Collective that will strengthen and expand creative facilitation and its impact in New Mexico. The Collective provides a platform through which seasoned creative facilitators can share practices and experiences; find ways together to communicate about the power of the work and its potential to heal our communities; innovate new forms and projects; and engage and train new practitioners.
Creative Action Team
In addition to public programming and long-standing work in the community, the Collaborative offers Creative Facilitation Inquiries and supports a Creative Activation Team (CAT). CAT is a team of seasoned creative practitioners who design and facilitate joyful participatory processes and creative engagements for select groups around important topics. Developed by Academy Faculty Chrissie Orr, Molly Sturges and Founder and President Aaron Stern, CAT explores, practices and develops forms unearthing the stories we live by and reflects these forms back to create collective touchstones and shared experiences.
CAT harnesses and expands what already exists at the Academy, a body of practice and practitioners who are able to create participatory processes for creative engagement for any group around any topic.
Learn more about the Creative Action Team
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