
Adjunct Faculty

Roshi Sanchi Reta Lawler is a core member of the Academy faculty and was an integral part of the Academy’s early development. She has deeply informed the Academy’s approach to transformative facilitation and pedagogy and continues to facilitate the Coming Full Circle Training, a program she created.

Reta is the Founder and Director of the Morningstar Zen Center. Fully ordained as a Rinzai Zen Buddhist nun, she has offered zen retreats and contemplative practice for over 30 years. Reta’s style of teaching and facilitating is greatly informed by her experience. She founded the Sugarloaf Mountain Zendo, Cumberland River Sangha and the San Antonio Morningstar Zen Sangha. Sanchi Reta, in collaboration with Thomas Huffman, was founder of Alaya Process
Partners, an active training field for transpersonal psychotherapy and group facilitation for over 25 years.

Her professional trainings and offerings have been in creative arts, transpersonal psychotherapy and shamanic practice, particularly in Celtic and Peruvian indigenous orientations. She also receives inspiration from Path of Heart and Christian mysticism, in which she has devoted years of study. Reta draws on all of these modalities to create an atmosphere of inclusion and welcome.

Reta offers her Coming Full Circle trainings at the Academy on a regular basis. This training, now in its 20th year, is for anyone who feels a personal and/or professional inspiration to journey into the simple truth and extraordinary transformative power of the Dying Process. It is an opportunity to re-vision and remember our place in the web of life and to celebrate each other in our shared potential and joyful expressions.

Sanchi Reta Lawler is involved with Integrated Programming & Foundational Studies and Practices.

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Coming Full Circle Reunion

Full Moon in the Ink-Black Sky
Multi-day Event
January 16th - November 6th, 2015

Coming Full Circle Reunion

Full Moon in the Ink-Black Sky
Multi-day Event
January 15th - November 6th, 2015
