Teacher Renewal Summer Institute

This annual institute is a 3-day retreat for teachers
Educators from the local school district and other settings let go of the school year and rediscover the heart of their teaching practice as they move into summer.

Event Details

Date: Tuesday, May 31st, 2016
Time: 9:00 AM- 3:00 PM
Notes: Participants who work in SFPS should also register on My Learning Plan to receive a Professional Development stipend from the district

A complement to the Academy for the Love of Learning’s highly popular Teacher Renewal workshop series, the Summer Institute invites teachers and other educators from public and independent schools to release the emotions of the year and realign with their core values as they move into summer break.

As with all of the Academy’s work with teachers, the intent of this program is to revitalize the practices and lives of teachers by awakening new awareness of who they are in the classroom, creating space and practices to reflect on these understandings, and developing specific practices that will empower teacher to return to their work with renewed purpose and agency.

The workshop is designed on the Academy’s experiential learning model, drawing on experience, reflection, critical inquiry and application to help teachers continue to learn. Teachers are asked not to sign up unless they are able to commit to all three days.

This program is for anyone who works with children in a K-12 classroom setting, public or private. This includes teachers, counselors, administrators, substitutes, educational assistants, librarians and more. Many participants come from the Santa Fe Public School district, which offers a stipend for participants, but the program is open and free of charge for teachers and educators from other schools and districts as well.

 *Educators from other fields may also find value in this Institute. Please contact Seth Biderman, manager of the Institute for Teaching, to find out more.



Request more information

To learn more about Teacher Renewal Summer Institute use the form below to contact The Academy.
