We did it!

Last year, Santa Fe Mayor Javier Gonzales challenged the Academy for the Love of Learning and our community partner, Siete del Norte, to double the number of mentorships through our Inspire Santa Fe mentoring program. We’re proud to announce that with the support of the City of Santa Fe, the Santa Fe Community Foundation, and business sponsors, we now officially have 80 mentorships set up throughout the city.

Inspire mentorships are built on interests shared by the protege and mentor, and they run the gamut. 9-year-old Ally is learning cello with Breshaun Joyner, while Mia, a college-bound senior at Santa Fe High, is deep into her studies in graphic design with Kristin Carlson of Think All Day Design. Other mentorships are exploring guitar, medicine, auto mechanics, Kung Fu, ballroom dancing, diversity work, glassblowing, and much more. In most cases, the young people come to us through our contacts at local public schools, but we also have a handful who are working directly with us, supported by their families. All mentors, proteges and their families will come together on Thursday, February 4th for our second annual Mentor Appreciation Evening.

Follow Inspire Santa Fe in its exciting second year on the Academy’s Facebook page, and mark your calendars for our 2nd annual Mentorship Showcase, which will take place April 22, 2016, at the Santa Fe Farmer’s Market Pavilion as part of the Academy’s spring Festival of Learning at the Railyard.
