Certificate in Learning as a Practice

Explore the 'love of learning'
The Certificate in Learning as a Practice curriculum is built around Evenings of Exploration, monthly two hour workshops that introduce the Academy’s learning model and practices central to our work. Through interactive dialogue, Evenings explore how learning can lead to personal transformation and expression of our innate gifts and unique qualities.

Evenings of Exploration

Evenings of Exploration present key elements of the Academy’s curriculum in workshops that are free and open to anyone. These workshops offer a brief but potent taste of our work. Held through the year, Evenings of Exploration introduces learning as an intentional practice and exercise in “waking up.”

Workshops last two and a half hours and examine different themes related to the Academy’s learning model such as ‘finding the gift in disorientation,’ ‘inviting the creative spirit,’ and ‘why slowing down matters.’ Through interactive dialogue and experiential exercises, we discover what lives behind ‘the love of learning’ and how learning can lead not merely to the accumulation of facts or even knowledge but also to transformation and the expression of innate gifts.

Certificate in Learning as a Practice Program

Update: The Certificate in Learning as a Practice and our other public programs are currently being redesigned. Subscribe to our newsletter for updates on when we will relaunch or public programs. 

Beginning in January 2020 all of our Evenings of Exploration and Foundation Studies programs offered in Santa Fe will be tied to a “Certificate in Learning as a Practice.” Participants in these programs can now choose to work through our core programming on an intentional pathway, with the support of a faculty advisor, or can continue to attend as one-offs without the certificate option.

This Level 1 of the Certificate in Learning as a Practice consists of five Evenings of Exploration and four one-day foundational workshops. This is a self-paced program, meaning that participants can choose to enroll at any time during the year and any Evenings of Exploration and workshops taken in 2020 and beyond will count towards certification. Level 1 is an introduction to Learning as a Practice and is a prerequisite for further levels of certification. We imagine introducing a Level 2 by 2023.


Apply to the Certificate in Learning as a Practice

Certificate Application

Certificate Application Details

Application Requirements:

(1) Application:

  • Application and formal acceptance into the program. This can take place at any time.
  • Three meetings with faculty advisor as follows:
    • During the application process
    • At the midpoint of the participant’s progress through the program
    • Prior to completion
  • Five Evenings of Exploration – These can be taken in any order and are applicable retroactively.
  • Four foundational workshops – These are one-day workshops.

(2) Introduction to the Certificate in Learning as a Practice
Introduction Evenings are not required but are offered to answer questions and give a general overview of the Certificate.

  • Introduction to the Certificate in Learning as a Practice
  • This will not be an experiential workshop but an opportunity to learn more about the Certificate in Learning Program. 

(3) Five Evenings of Exploration:
Each evening is offered twice in one year. 

  • The Hidden Gift in Disorientation
  • Disorientation as an integral aspect of transformational learning.
  • Why Slowing Down Matters
  • Learn to slow down and recognize reaction as it arises in the moment in order to create space for discernment within oneself.
  • Revealing the Pattern
  • Through identifying habitual patterns of response and seeing them more clearly, find the possibility of choice.
  • The Power in Story
  • Recognize how our stories inform us, and the potential for growing and changing them – being changed by them.
  • Drawing from Experience
  • Explore ‘identity’ through creative expression – use of creative expression as a form for reflection

(4) Four foundational workshops:

  • Partnering
  • LeAP (Impulse Exercise)
  • Clearing the Lens
  • Polarity

(5) One-on-one meeting with faculty advisor at the mid-point

(6) Final meeting with faculty advisor prior to completion

Certificate Experience

What participants will experience and take away:

  • An experiential and ethical understanding of learning as a practice in service of waking up to wholeness and interdependence
  • Frameworks and exercises that support the practice of learning
  • The essentiality of somatic awareness in recognizing and tracking experience
  • Engaged Awareness in Action
  • Recognition of internalized patterns that limit wellbeing and resources to support making different choices
  • Increased tolerance for the disorientation that comes with change
  • Awareness of connection both within oneself and with an other, and how to come back to that connection when it’s lost
  • Embracing vulnerability as a portal for transformation
  • Experiences and practices to support learning in yourself and others that you can integrate into your personal and professional life.

Certificate Pricing

Solidarity Level $700

  • Those with access to financial resources who also want to participate as a donor to the Academy’s Friends program. This practice of solidarity giving enables the Academy to continue developing the program and provide scholarship support to others, thereby building and strengthening our community.

Nurture Level $500

  • Those with access to financial resources (income of 55k* or above) and/or access to professional development funds.

Sustain Level $250

  • Those with less access to financial resources (income of less than 55k or recent financial hardships)

Scholarship Level $100

  • Those with limited access to financial resources such as students, recent graduates or anyone on a fixed income.

Aaron Stern Scholarship 

  • Should you need more support, please do not hesitate to ask. We believe it is important for everyone to contribute to our learning community and no one will be turned away for lack of funds. Reduced-price course fees are generously underwritten by existing grant funding and a scholarship fund.

*according to census.gov the median income in Santa Fe is $56,262

For more information, please email learn@aloveoflearning.org.

Request more information

To learn more about Certificate in Learning as a Practice use the form below to contact The Academy.
